Never a Dull Moment Around Here....
For starters, one of the Hobbits forgot her shoes, one nearly had a meltdown, and one ripped her hair clip out of her hair. The wind greated us with a hearty welcome at our desired location (does it EVER stop blowing here?) and almost blew my chairs over. In between packing the kids back into the car and getting to a new location, we lost Dad's sunglasses :( and the sun was fading away.
Despite everything that was trying to go wrong, we managed to make some right out of it! This is one super cute family with such great style. I knew I would not be disappointed with their choice of outfits. Love the skirts & leggings, love the neutrals (black, white & gray) with the pink! Enjoy!
Angela + Mike. Maternity.
Angela & Mike are expecting their first child. They are naturals in front of the camera! Mike is an understudy for the Lion King production, so he is used to being in the spotlight. They moved here from New York City and wanted maternity portraits that said "Vegas!" So we met on Fremont Street on a somewhat coolish morning for their session. Angela is about 28 weeks in these photos and is just stunning in her blue dress. Great color for you, Angela. ;) She doesn't even look pregnant from behind!!
Aren't these two darling? Their mom contacted me with some very fun idea requests and we managed to fulfill nearly all of them! Many thanks to Jim, who so kindly allowed us to shoot in his garage and his totally awesome car! I can't remember the make & model (sorry!) but it's from the 30's and it's all original!
Baby Shower
A sweet friend of mine is expecting twin girls. My due date is two weeks later than hers and it's been fun to share this pregnancy time with her. She let me throw a shower for her, which I really had fun doing. I went a little more crazy with the decor than I normally do (yes, for me this is a lot of decorating!) but, hey, it's twins! and they're girls!! I took very few photos, because well, it's kind of hard to host and photograph at the same time. And also there were all those last minute things I was doing right up until people started showing up, so I had no "before" time to document my set-up. Anyways. Enjoy!
Many thanks to all those who attended and to those who helped out in anyway, especially those who contributed to the refreshments, Trista & Kara for the awesome parasols, and Sherrill for the beautiful cherry blossom stamp. (If you ever need stamps, Sherrill is your girl!! and she's having a contest! Quick, go enter it!!!)
Heaven in a Bottle
One 25 year old apricot tree. One king size bedsheet. One awesome husband shaking the fruit from the branches. Three munchkins getting distracted while trying to help their mom catch the fruit with the bedsheet. Getting hit in the head by falling apricots. And then.... the sprinklers come on! The kids cried and we hustled to finish up our harvesting.
Spotlight on Business: JC's Landscaping
Even though we live in the desert and there is a big push to conserve water in our lawn use, that doesn't mean you have to tear out all your grass and dump a load of rock on your yard! Personally, I think that is one of the worst things you can do!! You can still be water-smart and still have a beautiful lush yard! This is where JC's Landscaping can help you. Jeff has been in business for over thirteen years. He is experienced in many facets of landscaping, such as residential & commercial design, laying sod & synthetic turf, water-smart xeriscape, clean-ups & tear-outs, and monthly maintenance. Jeff utilizes many elements in his designs, such as flagstone, pavers, retaining block, synthetic turf, colorful drought-tollerant plants, and your existing vegetation. He can even build you a water feature! Contact Jeff to see how you can beautify your front or back yard today!